

House of Help needs Santa’s Elves to volunteer for their Toys For Tot’s event. Schedule starts at
Faith United Church, behind House of Help, at 716 – 1st Street, corner of 1st Street and FM 1488.
Friday, December 14th, noon – 6 pm setup Santa’s workshop, organize rooms for toys, coats & misc
Saturday, December 15th at 11 am – 6 pm, Elves will help unload toys from Santa’s Texas style sleigh and put them in his toy shop. Elves will then be given instructions, a family Wish List for the children and will then shop for toys that best match the wish and needs for each child.
Sunday, December 16th, 12:30 pm – 6:30 pm, Elves fill Wish List for children. Bags checked.
Monday, December 17th, 10 am – 6 pm, Elves fill Wish List for children. Inventory check for toys.
Tuesday, December 18th, 10 am – 6 pm, Elves fill Wish List for children. Inventory and bags checked.
Wednesday,December 19,10 am – 6 pm,Elves fill Wish List for children.Bag check/Give out tomorrow
Thursday,  December 20th, 12 noon – 6 pm, Toy give out/ parents can pick up toys for their children.
Friday, December 21st, 11 am – 7 pm, Toy give out/ last day parents can pick up toys for their children.

House of Help and the parent’s of the children we have served,  say Thank-You for taking the time to make a difference and help put Christmas Joy in a child’s life.  We wish you Christmas Blessings