
Grocery Cart Chatter Newsletter 7-11

Grocery Cart Chatter Newsletter

NOTE: Change in PANTRY HOURS – Effective Tuesday, July 14, 2015,

Food Pantry HOURS will be as follows, Tuesday and Saturday, 10am – 12pm and 12:30pm – 2:30pm; House of Help phone # 979-826-4445.

For your shopping pleasure, our Thrift Shop is open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10am-12 pm and 12:30pm-3:00pm. NOTE: days open and hours subject to change if Miss Sid is ill, needs to be away for meetings or family emergencies, AND THERE ARE NO VOLUNTEERS TO COVER THE SHOP. WE SUGGEST YOU CALL BEFORE COMING TO THE SHOP SO YOU ARE NOT UPSET IF WE CANNOT BE OPEN. Food is NOT FREE. The proceeds received from our shop sales is used to PURCHASE food from the Houston Food Bank for our Pantry. We are not always able to purchase the same items from the HFB. We have to take whatever they have to offer that is available to purchase.

We have received several phone calls inquiring if we are hiring. We have NO PAID STAFF at the House of Help. Including me, we are ALL VOLUNTEERS. Having said that, in our efforts to serve our neighbors who are in need or going through a crisis situation, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help with all phases of running the Shop, Pantry and our Community Garden. Pay is $0, but BENEFITS ARE HEAVENLY.

Mark your calendars, next HOH YARD SALE, Saturday, July 25th at 9:30am. 716 – 1st. street, corner of 1st and FM 1488. Look for signs.

We are not certified to offer PUBLIC BATHROOMS. Please Use gas station at corner.

NO ONE IS ALLOWED IN THE FOOD PANTRY Unless you are a VOLUNTEER or invited to come back to answer questions. If you have a question ask Miss Sid.