Grocery Cart Chatter 7-8
Our “Lazy Days of Summer” have brought us two floods and 90 degree temperatures with a heat index of 105-110. We are here to assist families affected by the floods any way we are able. Good news to share: The Houston Food Bank is bring their “Produce Truck” to the House of Help on Thursday, July 14th from 10AM – 12PM. No qualifying needed to take part in this event. Food distribution is OPEN to the Community. Next Food Distribution Day for last names beginning N – Z is Saturday, July 23rd and Tuesday, July 26th. THRIFT SHOP News: “Christmas in July” Sale takes place on Saturday, July 30th 10 AM-4PM. Lookout for our TAX FREE “Back to School” Sale on Saturday, August 13th 10AM –4PM. With children out of school we have seen an increase in families that need food assistance. We are always in need of Cereal, Soup, Jelly and Can Meat Products. Toiletries of any kind and diapers are a plus for our families.
House of Help Hempstead is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) Ministry serving those who are in need are going through a crisis situation. Come Join Us as We offer a way to “Give-Back” by being a Volunteer run Ministry, NO PAID STAFF. We thank-you for your prayers and support. Your donations to our Thrift Shop make it possible for us to purchase food from the Houston Food Bank. Normal hours, 10AM-2:30PM, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 716 –1st Street, corner of 1st & FM 1488. Look for the Grocery Cart on top of our sign. 979-826-4445