Food PantryUncategorized

Grocery Cart Chatter

We hope everyone is staying warm during these unusually cold days; not the norm for us this time of year.  I am ready to trade this 30 degree weather for the 60’s and even more ready for SPRING.  To help chase these “Winter Blues” away, come on down to the HOH. We are having a “1/2 Price SALE” on ALL the cloths in the shop. Come see what you can BUY for 25 cents on our special  “Winter Cloths Rack”. This Sale ends Monday, Feb. 17th.

Rodeo and Prom are fast approaching so, check out our shop for those Rodeo Duds and Prom Dresses. We get new things in several times a week so make us part of your routine shopping trips.

The House of Help is a 501 c3 non-profit Community Outreach Ministry serving those that live within the Hempstead School District. We are run by local Volunteers; NO PAID STAFF.  With the help of our “Angel Volunteers”,  Community support, prayers, food drives and material and monetary donations, we strive to serve those in need or going through a crisis situation.  Your monetary donations and the proceeds from the sales at our Thrift Shop make it possible for us to purchase food at a discount from the Houston Food Bank and shop at stores for other food and personal hygine products the HFB does not carry.  Our Volunteers, supporters and Community made it possible for the HOH Food Pantry to serve 7,647 individuals from Jan. to Dec.  2013.  This past Dec. we partnered with “Toys For Tots” and help parents by providing toys, donated quilts, coats, gift cards and money for shoes to 400 local children.

There are certain foods that we put in what we call our “Basic Basket” that we cannot purchase from the HFB.  At this time we are in need of these items for the Pantry:

Tuna fish, can Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken Soup, can meat products, RICE, and PINTO BEANS in either 1lb or in 20 or 25 lb bags, Sugar, Flour, Masa, bath soap, toilet paper, tooth brushes, toothpaste, and deordant. Please check our website for updated announcements and events.  We are located at 716 – 1st Street in Hempstead, Texas 77445.  We are open Monday, Tuesday, CLOSED WEDNESDAY, open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 am – 3 pm.  Tuesday and Saturday are Food Distribution Days from 10am – 3pm.  Our phone 979-826-4445. Thank-you Hempstead for 2013, we look forward to a great Community Partnership in 2014.

We were Blessed in that we received a Grant from the HFB for a huge wall unit refrigerator. Plans are underway to obtain help with drawings for our food pantry expansion, and for fundraisers to help with the cost of the expansion so we can accept the unit. This will increase the size of the shop, give us more working area and storage in the pantry, and make it possible for us to serve more fresh food to our Clients. Look for us at the Parish Celebration for St. Katharine Drexel and in other Community activities.   Join us in April for the HOH Annual Style Show Fundraiser.

May Each of You Be Blessed as You are a Blessing to this Ministry, Sid Chipman, Director